
University of New South Wales

Areas of Study

The Novel

  • ARTS2038
  •  6
Average Rating
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Subject Area: English<br/>This course can also be studied in the following specialisations: Creative Writing<br/><br/>The course introduces students to selected major English novels from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, considering how novels responded to the social contexts in which they were produced. We will explore novelists’ development of new techniques of literary realism and their adaptation of older narrative forms such as romance and epic. The course will include consideration of various formal features of the genre, and their use in creating narratives of self and society. Students will be encouraged to engage critically with arguments by historians and literary critics... -- Course Website

Prerequisites: 30 uoc overall including 12 uoc in Level 1 English or 30 uoc overall including ARTS1010 and 6 uoc in Level 1 English

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