
Macquarie University

Areas of Study

Wildlife Survey (Design, Conduct and Interpretation)

  • GSE856
  • 4
Average Rating
Difficulty Level

This unit teaches advanced wildlife survey techniques that are usually difficult to gain experience and training in, building on the methods taught in the previous units. The unit includes hands-on experience in these techniques, including mark and recapture methods (specifically bird banding), radio-tracking, hair and scat analysis, and bat call analysis. Analysis and interpretation of data at a level sophisticated enough to inform wildlife management decisions will be taught. Concepts include capture-mark-recapture, home range analysis and estimating population sizes. -- Course Website

Instructor: Mr Adam Fawcett

Prerequisites: Admission to MWldMgt or PGDipWldMgt or PGCertWldMgt or MMarScMgt or MSc in Biodiversity Conservation or PGDipSc in Biodiversity Conservation or PGCert in Biodoversity Conservation 

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