Animals show remarkable diversity in form and function. In this subject you will explore how form and function are related, starting with simple animals like corals and working up to apes and humans. We ask: How are these animals related by evolution? What do they do, and how do they do this? These are the different ‘technologies’ animals have evolved to solve the problem of how to move and feed. In the practicals, you will learn how to classify animals and interpret their features, and develop an understanding of how birds fly, fish feed, worms burrow and parasites infect us. -- Course Website
Prerequisites: EITHER Both Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: BIOL10004 Biology of Cells and Organisms Semester 1 12.50 BIOL10005 Genetics & The Evolution of Life Semester 2 12.50 OR Both Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: B