
University of Melbourne

Areas of Study

Development Economics

  • ECON90023
  • Contact Hours: Two 1.5 hour lectures per week.
    Total Time Commitment: Estimated total time commitment of 120 hours per semester
  • 12.50
Average Rating
Difficulty Level

The subject will cover development economics. The topics covered may include: economic growth theory, including models in which growth is endogenous; measurement of poverty and inequality; tests of the efficiency of labour and credit markets; consumption smoothing; micro-credit schemes; and demographic issues. This subject studies microeconomic conditions in developing countries. It aims to go beyond a mere description of economic conditions in these parts of the world. The emphasis is on rigorous theoretical economic modelling of phenomena observed in developing countries. Substantial attention will also be paid to the testing of the theories using real world data. Students are thus... -- Course Website

Prerequisites: One of the following 2 subjects: Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: ECON90002 Microeconomics Semester 1 12.50 ECON40001 Advanced Microeconomics Semester 1 12.50 Plus one of the following 2 subjects: Subject Study Period Commenceme

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