
University of Melbourne

Areas of Study

Animal Welfare and Ethics

  • DASC30015
  • Contact Hours: Twenty-four hours lectures, up to 12 hours tutorials and 12 hours practicals to be undertaken at Parkville and off-site.
    Total Time Commitment: (including non-contact time): 120 hours.
  • 12.50
Average Rating
Difficulty Level

This subject develops knowledge and understanding of systems for regulating body function, and physiological and behavioural processes that are utilised by animals in response to environmental challenge. This basis will allow students to evaluate and assess animal welfare and ethical issues that confront livestock production and amenity use of animals in society. The subject will also develop knowledge in adaptation, preference testing, cognition, and short/long-term biological response. Specific topics covered include: the current debate about animal usage and animal welfare; systems regulating the body (homeostasis, motivation and control systems, and development of regulatory systems);... -- Course Website

Prerequisites: A physiology subject at 200 level such as: Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: DASC20010 Applied Animal Physiology Semester 2 12.50

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