
Macquarie University

Areas of Study


  • PSY935
  • 4
Average Rating
Difficulty Level

This unit will focus on the skills required for working with groups. The emphasis will be on the principles and practice of groupwork facilitation, particularly as it relates to group process. Students will be presented with relevant theory and will have the opportunity to participate in a group, and prepare and lead sessions for the group. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own experience throughout; thus, dealing with the group process will be an important part of the overall educational experience. The unit will involve some level of reflection on students' own personal experiences and how they may facilitate learning the skills to become effective group leaders. -- Course Website

Instructor: Dr Jac Brown

Prerequisites: (Admission to DClinPsych or MClinPsych) and PSY904 and PSY961 and (PSY962 or PSY978) and (PSY965 or PSY977) 

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