
Macquarie University

Areas of Study

Readings in Biological Sciences

  • BIOL891
  • 4
Average Rating
Difficulty Level

This unit is an advanced reading unit for postgraduates interested in a broad range of topics in the biological sciences. Students will interpret and synthesise current primary scientific literature by evaluating, discussing and reviewing a broad range of contemporary 'hot topics' in biology research. Students are confronted with the best examples of current published research in the primary literature that will not only provide them with the most up-to-date knowledge of particular topics, but will provide inspiration and relevant examples of how to present evidence and discuss interpretations in a logical and cogent manner. The curriculum will largely be theoretical with students... -- Course Website

Instructor: Associate Professor Glenn Brock

Prerequisites: (Admission to MSc in Biodiversity Conservation or MMarScMgt or MEnv) and 8cp at 800 level or aboveĀ 

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